
Fort Lauderdale Truck Accident Lawyer | Injury Lawyers

June 1, 2024, 2:24 am

Truck accidents account for a significant percentage of Fort Lauderdale auto crashes. At Feingold & Posner, P. A., one of our Fort Lauderdale truck accident attorneys can meet personally with you to discuss your case. But with that benefit comes a big responsibility to make sure guests aren't put at an unreasonable risk of harm. Your lawyer will work with you to create a complete report on the various factors that lend to the total amount you are rightfully owed. Some common causes of Fort Lauderdale truck crashes include: Everyone who survives motor vehicle crashes in Fort Lauderdale deserves fair compensation for their losses. They might also use other witness testimony to cast doubt on the victim's driving. However, children under the age of 6 can't be considered comparatively negligent, and dog owners are expected to maintain control of their canine at all times. Fort Lauderdale is no stranger to semi-truck traffic.

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  2. Fort lauderdale automobile accident lawyer
  3. Fort lauderdale car accident attorney
  4. Fort lauderdale truck accident lawyer vimeo
  5. Car accident lawyers fort lauderdale fl

Fort Lauderdale Auto Accident Lawyer

As a result, it is important to have an experienced lawyer on your side who can navigate the legal system and fight for your rights. I would not hesitate to refer them to anyone. Drivers of passenger vehicles and larger trucks simply do not look twice for motorcyclists, which is a failure to use reasonable care and grounds to assert a claim of negligence. Let an experienced Fort Lauderdale truck accident attorney untangle the legal issues to determine liability for the wreck. It may take a while for the signs to start showing. Contact Friedland & Associates Today.

Fort Lauderdale Automobile Accident Lawyer

This is also true of truck collisions. If you were seriously injured by a reckless or negligent truck driver in Florida, you may be able to file a lawsuit and fight for the compensation you need to cover your medical bills and any other damages you may have incurred. This is true whether we're talking about a small gas station or a large box store. Truck accidents often result in life-changing injuries and even death. If you have been hurt in a trucking accident, contact our Fort Lauderdale law office today at 954-370-5152 or toll free at 833-HIRE-RTR for a free no-obligation case review to find out your options and see how our knowledgeable attorneys can assist you. Ever since we first opened our doors more than 60 years ago, we have helped our clients recover hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. He is available 24/7 to address your concerns. Unfortunately, quite a bit of valuable evidence is at the accident scene. However, this information is no substitute for individualized legal advice. They are awarded only in extreme circumstances where the defendant has acted egregiously or maliciously. Florida allows relatives of victims to bring a wrongful death claim to seek many forms of compensation. Your risk of injury or death when colliding with a commercial truck is enormous in comparison to the truckers.

Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney

In commercial vehicle accident cases, multiple parties are often liable beyond just the truck driver (which also means multiple insurance coverages). If another driver operates their vehicle negligently or recklessly, and subsequently injures you, you may be able to seek compensation. Commercial trucks are heavy and long. One of the most terrifying types of truck accidents to be involved in is a rollover crash. Loss of spousal or parental support and love: Spouses and children can also seek compensation for the loss they experience because of the death of their loved ones. Equipment failure because of defects or poor maintenance. We rely heavily on these vehicles and carriers for fast transport of important goods and services, but this does not excuse them from ensuring their trucks are in top condition and their drivers are qualified and safe. Fort Lauderdale insurance providers often demand that trucking accident victims sign a release of liability. When the worst truck wrecks happen, know you have lawyers willing to come to your aid in South Florida. You do not have to take on a colossal trucking company alone.

Fort Lauderdale Truck Accident Lawyer Vimeo

An underride occurs when a car and truck collide, and the car is sent underneath the trailer in the crash. If you have been injured in a large truck accident, please call us right away. How Much Will I Collect? Qualifying relatives could recover the following: - Funeral and burial expenses. Valuate your compensatory damages: Your attorney has methods for calculating economic and non-economic damages, like your physical pain and suffering. Some truck accidents are unavoidable, but most come down to the negligence of either the driver or the truck maintenance crew. We use our knowledge and experience to identify all liable parties to a complex truck accident and build cases that prove each responsible party's liability to the injury victim. The majority of accidents result in some injury. Since Fort Lauderdale is along Interstate 95, a major shipping road and a heavily-trafficked highway through Southern Florida, there is an increased amount of truck traffic, and therefore an increased risk of accidents with them. It is still very common for truck accidents to occur. We will look through the records of the trucker's driving logs to find out if sleep deprivation was the cause of the crash.

Car Accident Lawyers Fort Lauderdale Fl

Many are offered incentives for early deliveries. Traumatic brain injury. Nearby, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport ships thousands of tons of air freight every month with carriers such as FedEx and UPS.

We can help you determine who the negligent parties are and who is liable for your injuries. More specifically, drivers owe others a duty of care, and must not drive negligently or in a reckless fashion. Miami Truck Accident Lawyer. Steve offers free consultations with no strings attached. We will also establish how each party demonstrated negligence in your case.

There are many other factors that could lead to a collision, as well as factors to consider when you and your attorney are developing a case. Both instances can lead to dire consequences for themselves and others on the road. 04 holds dog owners strictly liable for Florida dog bite injuries, but comparative negligence (on the part of the person bitten) could reduce the overall amount of compensation payable. The insurance company may attempt to latch onto the innocent statements you made to try to refute your claim. However, not all accidents are the fault of the truck driver. Truck overloading or unsecured load accidents. How Do Trucking Crashes Happen?

Failing to account for weather conditions, such as heavy rain or fog. Some victims lose a limb, either because it is damaged beyond repair or because of a crush injury which necessitates an amputation to save the victim's life. Drivers of smaller vehicles are also at risk of serious injury or death in an underride accident. The trucking company realizes that evidence can disappear, so it focuses on collecting it as soon as possible. Trucks are so heavy and large that they can cause shocking injuries when they collide with pedestrians or the occupants of smaller vehicles. That's why non-economic damages exist to compensate victims for the less. However, an effective representation will be impossible if you don't hire a personal injury attorney. 80, 000 lb (36, 000 kg) total for any vehicle or combination. When truckers or their employers violate these rules, they may be held liable for the injuries that result. Lost earnings resulting from missed work. Ensure that your legal rights are protected and that your chances are maximized to obtain the damages you deserve in the aftermath of such an accident.

A person can suffer intracranial bleeding and other injuries to the head when involved in a truck accident. Our legal team has a deep understanding of the law and knows how to build a strong case to get you the compensation you deserve. Truck lobby groups have repeatedly tried to battle these regulations to boost their profits, while safety advocates are calling for more enforcement and stricter regulations to save lives. A repair shop or crew responsible for the truck's cargo. Garbage Truck Colliding with a car. When a truck driver is fatigued, they are more likely to fall asleep at the wheel and/or make costly mistakes that endanger the lives of other drivers on the road.